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Barbers Most Wanted

This is a serverless business directory web application. The application allows users in the UK to search barbers and barbers to create their own offer, with contact points and a nice public profile that they can easily share

Barbers Most Wanted business directory, search functionalities


Technologies used


What are their services?

They offer barbers a place to have their socials, services, profile centralized


What we made.

We built a bespoke web application, the application was built maching the exact needs and desired design behaviour that our client wanted

  • Velo NodeJS backend with MVC architecture

  • Database development

  • Web application UI/UX

  • User interface logic

  • Landing page development and custom design

  • Barber dashboard component

  • Public barber profile component

  • Search component

Barbers Most Wanted business directory, user dashboard


UI/UX slide show


How does it work?

They are offering the website as a centralized point to receive all requests, leads, services and customers in the restaurant to make an order onsite.

Barber directory, available barbers in the UK

Public barber profile

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