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Easy Translations

This is a serverless web application. The application allows users to purhcase translation services spanish or portuguess to english, official translations to present documents to the US government. Easy Translations is member certified ATA (American Translators Association)

Easy Tranlations web application


Technologies used


What are their services?

They offer official translations of all knd of legal documents that a person needs to present to the US governemnt, our client is an official member of ATA (American Translators Association) which allows them to deliver official translations.

Easy Translations, custom product page to purchase translation services

Easy Translations, translation service list available


What we made.

We built a bespoke web application, the application was built maching the exact needs and desired design behaviour that our client was envisioning.

  • Velo NodeJS backend with MVC architecture

  • Database development

  • Custom design and UI/UX (no cookie cutter)

  • User interface logic

  • Custom dashboard

  • Email sender components

  • Payment gateway connected to Stripe using the Wix Pay API.

  • Custom product page interface

Easy Translations, custom user dashboard to upload files to translate


How does it work?

Users choose a document to tranlate, then they are taken to a custom user interface that serves as a product page, the user can finish choosing the number of pages, if shipping is required etc. After that the user purcahse the service and the web application takes the user to a mini dashboard where they can upload the files to trasnlate, also the system sends an email notification to the user with the paid purchase and a button link to open the mini dashboard. Once the user upload the files our client is notified by phone and email so they can fulfill the order with the official translator.

Email sender, thank for your order email spcifying the purchase details and a button to open the user dashboard

Easy Translations, navigation bar menu

Easy Translations, whole view of the landing page

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